
Rajat Kohli
Director, London
[email protected]

Raj has enjoyed a distinguished 30+ year career in the global mining and metals and sector.

He started in 1988 as a journalist and editor with the leading industry publication, Metal Bulletin. Raj moved into banking as an industry and equity analyst at MC Securities, an emerging markets merchant bank spun out of CSFB. From MC, he joined Banque Paribas, initially as a rated analyst and thereafter in corporate finance.

From Paribas, Raj moved to HSBC, where he rose to become Managing Director in the Resources & Energy Group.

Raj then joined one of his clients, ArcelorMittal, as Co-Head of Mergers and Acquisitions, before re-joining banking as Global Head of Mining and Metals at Standard Bank.

Since leaving banking in mid 2015, Raj has focused on providing strategic and corporate finance services to sector clients.

He also sits on the boards of several companies, lending his accumulated expertise to the resources sector.

Raj has a BA from the London School of Economics and an MSc from Cass Business School.